We provide the following services. Please call today for a quote.
Confirmed Releases and Suspicion of Releases from Petroleum Storage Tanks - taking new cases and existing cases at any stage
Environmental Phase I Site Assessment Reports that follow the most current ASTM and SBA guidelines, including the All Appropriate Inquiries Rule
Environmental Phase II Site Assessment Reports that follow the most current ASTM and SBA guidelines - we can special-tailor these to meet your exact needs
UST/AST/Product Line Piping Removals, we provide the environmental expertise that includes soil / groundwater sampling and completing the appropriate regulatory paperwork
Site Checks
Site Investigations
Hazard Mitigation
Drafting, Computer-Aided-Design Work
Air Sampling
Corrective Action Plans / Remediation Plans - planning and implementation
State and Local Permits
Stand Alone Oklahoma Risk-Based Corrective Action (ORBCA) Reports
Stand Alone Field Work including groundwater and soil sampling, drilling supervision, and site mapping / surveying
Other - Do you have an out-of-the-ordinary environmental job or need? We may be able to help.